Sunday 4 September 2016

5 Minutes DIY Conditioning Lip Balm

Lip balms can be easily purchased from your local drug store, but have you ever tried to make your own?! Let’s face it, it’s quite fun making your own and oddly satisfying. This is a super easy lip balm to make and is very moisturising if you have dry chapped lips. I wanted to make a natural lip balm that was all natural and that didn’t have a whole load of additives thrown in. I haven’t tried making my own lip balm before, so I searched all over the internet for some ideas and came across a few that interested me.  I made a few tweaks and changed one or two ingredients to suit what I was looking for and voila, this is what I came up with. All ingredients I have used are raw natural ingredients and most can be found in your kitchen cupboard, with the exception of the beeswax and shea butter which I purchased online from Amazon. 

Beeswax can be used to soothe and alleviate dry chapped lips and should be able to effectively soften your lips. It is great for protecting your lips from future damage and forming a protective layer on your lips, which is super news for those very cold winter months. It also sets the mixture that you have made, so you don’t get a gloopy mess. Honey and coconut oil both work to condition deep down your skin layers to repair damage. Both ingredients have antiseptic, antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Shea butter has a high concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids which prevents the skin from drying, therefore making it incredibly nourishing and moisturising. It is also known for having anti-inflammatory properties which would be useful for someone who may have sensitive skin. It also contains a small amount of SPF, which is beneficial as it adds some protection from the sun. 

 What you need:

1 tsp of beeswax

1 tsp of coconut oil

1 tsp of shea butter

½ tsp of honey


  1. Place the beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil in a microwavable bowl and heat in 10 second intervals, until it has all melted. 
  2. Once the mixture is heated, stir in the honey. The wax hardens fast so you need to work quickly. If the mixture does harden too soon you can always reheat it in the microwave
  3.  Pour the mixture in to little tins or tubs and leave it to cool. The mixture will harden within a minute or so.

There is an optional choice of adding a few drops of an essential oil if you feel that your lip balm needs some fragrance to it. Peppermint, sweet orange, grapefruit, lavender or red raspberry seed oil are great options. This recipe is made for two small lip tins, the measurements can be readjusted to the amount that is needed.


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